Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Another bloody rainy day at 37 Hyde Park Gate

The bloody alarm didn’t go off
You woke up with a bloody cough
You really need to bloody pee
It’s bloody dark and you can’t see
You and the bloody door collide
The bloody bathroom’s occupied
You bloody wait and bloody wait
Every day in Hyde Park Gate

The bloody kitchen’s bloody packed
The dirty dishes are bloody stacked
You bloody wish to go back home
Someone bloody ate your Toblerone
Your bloody milk is bloody sour
You bloody realize the bloody hour
You’re bloody going to be bloody late
Running out of Hyde Park Gate

You’re bloody hungry all the bloody time
And all you’ve got is a bloody lime
The bloody food is bloody bad
Grocery shopping makes you bloody mad
It’s bloody expensive as bloody hell
But all you can say is oh bloody well
And that’s your bloody general state
Every day at Hyde Park Gate

The bloody flat is bloody old
The bloody air is bloody cold
The bloody beds bloody creak
The bloody doors bloody squeak
The bloody Internet doesn’t bloody work
The bloody workmen bloody lurk
Everything’s just so bloody great
At 37 Hyde Park Gate

Don’t be fooled by the bloody address
This bloody apartment is a bloody mess
The bloody toilet is bloody clogged
The bloody ceiling is water-logged
The bloody carpet harasses your eyes
(And it bloody smells, no bloody surprise)
In this bloody shameful real estate
That’s 37 Hyde Park Gate

The bloody room that’s twenty by twelve
Doesn’t bloody have a single bloody shelve
It’s bloody tiny as can bloody be
It’s bloody way too small for three
The bloody lights are out by 10
You bloody trip, and trip again
You bloody question your bloody fate
Every night in Hyde Park Gate

You bloody do dishes in the bloody sink
That bloody aren’t yours, and you bloody think
This bloody isn’t bloody fair
And the bloody Dutch just bloody stare
And there’s no bloody laundry machine
Any bloody where to be bloody seen
And Goldie-locks is your bloody roommate
Every day at Hyde Park Gate

You bloody walk out into bloody rain
You bloody miss the bloody train
You bloody want some bloody peace
But the bloody sitting duck won’t cease
To bloody talk all the bloody time
You’re bloody about to lose your mind
In this bloody place you love and hate
Called 37 Hyde Park Gate

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